

Steve Jonesの2枚目のソロアルバム。

1990年か1991かその頃の作品だと思う。MERCYが傑作だったので楽しみにしていた。池袋のTOWER RECORDだったかな?河合塾の近くの店、で買った。確かPeteの Iron manが出た頃だったと思う。ジャケットデザインからしてちょっとおかしい。なんせドクロだから。しかもバックが炎。聴いてみるとMercyの頃のSteveはどこいったんだという雰囲気。同一人物とは思えない。でもそういう裏切りをするところはDylanと同様、魅力でもある。Steveは過小評価されたギタリストだよ。

On the fortieth floor of heaven
In the executive penthouse suite
Sat the commander in chief
And creator of the planet and galaxies 
With a map of Louisiana
A file of photos and facts
He said look what these people
Have done in my name
It's a sin the way some of them act 
God was talking to Peter
God was talking to Paul
God was talking to Jesus
But God isn't talking to some of these people at all 
I offer them peace, they want vengeance
I offer them faith, they want power
I offer them mercy not money
I offer them hope they complain by the hour 
They poison themselves with their judgement
They flatter themselves with their pride
I give them the truth that could set them all free
They build up cathedrals in which they can hide 
If you do it to one of these you do it to me
If you give it to one of these you give it to me
If you spit upon one of these you spit upon me
If you rip off, lie to, hit on, I'll tell you
You might as well do it to me yeah yeah yeah
